Turbo Court

The Gilchrist County Clerk of Courts & Comptroller has partnered with the Florida Association of Court Clerks & Comptrollers (FCCC) and a private vendor named TurboCourt to bring the citizens of Gilchrist County a “Do-It-Yourself” Portal for completing forms for certain court case types.

Currently there are four case types that a citizen can complete using TurboCourt DIY Self Help forms. More case types will be available in the future. The links for each are below:

3 Easy Steps
Filing your own forms is easy! Click on the correct link above and follow the instructions. The three steps are:

  • Step 1 – Where to File
    • Select the county you want to file your paperwork in. If you live in Gilchrist County you will want to choose “Gilchrist” from the drop-down menu.
  • Step 2 – Sign Up / Log In
    • If you are a first-time user, you will need to create an account.
    • You will receive an email from TurboCourt with tips, links and tutorials.
  • Step 3 – Complete Forms
    • Answer the questions as prompted and TurboCourt will walk you through the process.
    • Print and file your forms.


The Gilchrist County Clerk of Courts & Comptroller is not responsible for the TurboCourt website, its content or any errors that may be found on the website or the forms provided on the website.

If you have a question regarding the use of TurboCourt or the forms you have submitted, please call our office at 352-463-3170.